The old drain cock operating rods (top) are battered and twisted. The new rods (below) after welding on the new eyes. These then required forming to shape and drilling.
The old drain cock operating rods (top) are battered and twisted. The new rods (below) after welding on the new eyes. These then required forming to shape and drilling.
Forming the eyes in the drain cock operating rods.
Eyes formed in the drain cock operating rods
Old and new drain cock operating rods.
Old and new drain cock operating rods.
Old and new (partly made) reverser baseplates side by side.
Stainless steel pins for reverser weighshaft cranks.
Preparing to weld on the "eyes on the new drain cock operating rods.
Milling the new reverser baseplate out of solid.
The old reverser baseplate is a pressing.
Nice enough to sit outside and eat your lunch in February.